by Michael Kingswood “You know Cupid?” The young fairy who asked the question beamed at me through eyes grown wide with amazement. Her cheeks seemed to sink as her jaw dropped open in time with the expanding of her eyelids, and the cute little dimple just above her jaw vanished before the sudden tension in…
Month: May 2023

A Picture of Holiness: Pentecost Sunday 2023
by Frank Luke The Holy Spirit enables us to be holy. Introduction God states several times in the Bible that we are to be holy just as He is holy. Due to our sin nature, which we have both inherited and chosen to embrace, we cannot be holy on our own. Then how can we…

Suspended Sentence – Part 1
by Silent Draco Part 1 1850, 20 Jun 45, near Eisenach [Soviet Zone of Occupation] “Well. This is rather a dog’s breakfast, eh what?” came dryly in the evening air. “Major Griffin, if you please, not now!” growled the American. “Why, Colonel Sellers, after your time with … staff agencies, you should have some sense…

by Michael Kingswood Barnam licked his lips and bent forward. Squinting in the darkness, he could just make out the lock at the bottom of the window in front of him. It looked simple; an easy pick that should just take a minute or two. Too simple. He turned his head to the right where…

A Cabin In The Woods
by Michael Kingswood The wind rushed past, making the thin wooden sides of the tiny cabin Nancy huddled in shudder. A high-pitched whistling advertised its penetration through the cracks around the cabin’s latched door, and she shivered as what warmth there was fled before its incursion. She wrapped the threadbare wool blanket that she had…

The Greenhorn Tree
by Michael Kingswood Once upon a time, far away in the land of Quenith, lived a young man and his brother. Their names were Gideon and Marnik. They lived with their father, Gregor, halfway up the foothills of the mountains on the west side of the kingdom, where they helped their father fell trees and…

Making Natto: DIY Spike Protein Detox
by Bluestem I published a version of this post about making natto (fermented soybeans) on my website in 2015 under the title Adventures in Fermentation. It has relevance today (no) thanks to the spike proteins introduced via the bioweapons masquerading as vaccines that were deployed in early 2021. Recently, Dr. Peter McCullough suggested the use…