by Michael Kingswood Steph ran her left hand through her hair, and wished she hadn’t cut it short the previous week. She hadn’t realized how much just running her fingers through it, and then being able to give it a little tug—just a little—was soothing when she was irritated or upset. Now there was barely…

God’s Warrior Need Not Fear
by Frank Luke God provides shelter and protection for those who fight on His side. Sermon Introduction Most Christians are familiar with Paul’s instructions to put on the whole armor of God. Paul instructs the believer in the pieces of armor that a Roman soldier would wear for battle or regular duty. The Old Testament…

The Holiday Question
by Ruler of the Doughnuts Its that time of year again. The holiday season is approaching. With this change in season from summer to fall and fall to winter you come face to face with the inevitable. “Is it the changing of the leaves?” No. “Is it the chill in the air?” No. “What about…

Isaiah’s Invitation to Salvation
by Frank Luke Sermon Title: Isaiah’s Invitation to Salvation Need Being Addressed: All people need salvation, but only God provides true salvation. Text: Isaiah 55:1-13 Scripture Introduction When you think of Hebrew poets, you often think of King David. Surely, the Sweet Singer of Israel is an amazing poet, but he is far from the…

Work Release
by Michael Kingswood “I really don’t want to do this.” Billy looked across the drop ship to where the kid sat, strapped to his crash couch by a four-point sling of webbing, and could identify completely. The kid was young, maybe twenty years old. Brown-haired, with yellow-green eyes. In shape, but not bulky, and wearing…

Final Words from a Friend 2: Second Peter
by Frank Luke Last time we spoke of the final words from St. Paul to Timothy, his beloved son in the faith. Today we will speak of Peter’s final words. Instead of addressing them to one beloved convert who would follow in his footsteps as a pastor, Peter, assigned by Jesus to lead the flock,…

Thoughts on A Silent Voice
by Modestus A Silent Voice is a seven volume manga written by Yoshitoki Oima as her first ‘big girl’ work, which gives us Shoyo, a young man looking for some type of redemption after he brutally bullied Shoko, a deaf girl, while they were in elementary school. The story is in two parts; their time…

Cave Diving For Dummies
by Michael Kingswood Harry adjusted his lips around the hard rubber clenched between his teeth and inhaled. Dry air that tasted slightly of plastic entered his lungs with the corresponding click-hiss of his regulator. Deep and slow, controlled breaths. Don’t draw down the tank too soon. The mantra from his SCUBA instructors echoed in his…

Adoption Diary – Chapter Two
by Anonymous Child Chapter Two is second in a series as the real-life story unfolds. Chapter One was published on this blog September 3, 2022. The identity of the author is pretty easy to identify if you are a regular on Social Galactic. She just doesn’t want her name on this blog post which is…

Abe’s Liquors
by Michael Kingswood Betty sniffed back tears and wiped the back of her right hand across the bottom of her nose. It had gone runny from crying so hard. She squinted into the early evening darkness, her left hand flexing on the scarred and fading brown leather that wrapped the steering wheel of her Camry,…