Series links: Prologue Part A Part B Part C Epilogue Parents being “concerned” and “angry” doesn’t equate to them being “afraid” by Man of the Atom Note 1: this post will also appear on Substack shortly, for various levels of shortly. Note 2: I am purposefully not including direct references to quotes, paraphrases, or summaries…
The American Comics Codes, Part A
Series links: Prologue Part A Part B Part C Epilogue US historical background (1946 to 1954); the “Delinquency Problem” by Man of the Atom This is a series of three posts on the American Comic Book Codes and their development. See the bottom of this article for general references used for this post, as well…
Like a Little Child
by Frank Luke 2 Kings 5:1-14 Sermon Introduction Last time, we spoke about how one man was being prepped as Elisha’s successor but failed when Naaman came to visit. Today, we will talk about why Naaman came to visit Elisha. How did this great general of the Arameans come to the prophet Elisha for healing?…
A Tomb is Opened in Oklahoma
by Bluestem It must have been like Howard Carter breaking into King Tut’s tomb, albeit on the scale of a flea compared to a blue whale, but nevertheless an exciting moment. When the first shafts of light and the fresh 21st Century breeze met the stale 1980s air and mingled—sending dust wheeling and moving for…
Comics History Recap and Summary of Upcoming US Comics Code Posts
Series links: Prologue Part A Part B Part C Epilogue Wertham, Distributors, and Gaines! Oh, MY! By Man of the Atom This is part of a cross-post with Substack. The referenced articles will appear here on Postcards one day prior to posting on Substack. Comics history is rather convoluted, and driven like the wind by…
Passing on the Torch
by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction At National Rendezvous, the theme was passing on the torch. More than half the attendees were 25 or younger. That shows a great future for the ministry. A clan, tribe, or ministry who does not prepare the next generation will die out. The Bible has many examples of those who…
Where Is the Answer?
by Frank Luke Human Need Being Addressed [FCF]: Because of their fallen state, people have lost the true meaning of life. Big Idea: The True Meaning of Life is Found in God Alone. Proposition: Because satisfaction is not found where people normally seek it, we must turn to God for true happiness. Audience: University Worship…
Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 9
Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit. Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account. Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 9 Special Limited Racing Edition High Speed…
Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 8
Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit. Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account. Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 8 Michiko to Hatchin (#Anime Rewatch): Violent…
Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 7
Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit. Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account. Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 7 The Dangers in My Heart…