by Frank Luke We have a saying, “it is always darkest before the dawn.” The phrase talks about what CS Lewis and his friend Tolkien referred to as the eucatastophe, the good disaster. They mean the time in the story when everything looks the worst, but it is this sequence of events, this time when…
Tag: Easter

The Light after Darkness
by Frank Luke We have a saying, “it is always darkest before the dawn.” The phrase talks about what CS Lewis and his friend Tolkein referred to as the eucatastophe, the good disaster. They mean the time in the story when everything looks the worst, but it is this sequence of events, this time when…

The Passion of the Triumphal Entry
by Frank Luke Theme: Jesus came to Jerusalem looking for repentance. Will He find it in you? Sermon Introduction: I have heard it said on more than one occasion that you always find what you are looking for. This may work as a general rule, but it certainly wasn’t always true in the life of…