by Frank Luke Scripture Introduction: The Letter of James was one of the first books written for the New Testament. James writes not to criticize his readers but to bring them to repentance. Unlike Paul, James writes not to an individual church but to all churches. A call to unity in the church. Stand together…
Month: July 2022

Debts and Obligations
by Michael Kingswood A twig snapped beneath Ben’s boot and he froze in place, peering about and listening closely for signs that the unwelcome noise had alerted someone to his presence. The pine forest around him had thinned. Where just a few dozen paces back the trees had been dense enough that he could have…

Rebuilding Your Walls
by Frank Luke FCF: Walls are meant to protect us. When the walls are broken down, we must turn to God as we rebuild them. Intro to Sermon: Ever since Pentecost, Satan has been working to destroy the church. He moved the Jewish leadership to stone and arrest Christians. After God worked in Saul’s life,…

Community Announcement!
by Ruler of the Doughnuts Greetings once again, dear readers here at PFAR. I come to you today not with a review (disappointing I know) or a harrowing tale of the darker side of human nature (I am sure to your relief), but with an unveiling. Some of us frens you may or may not…

Reviews of Books from Pilum Press
Welcome to a brief set of book reviews covering a relatively new publishing imprint, Pilum Press. Pilum is a venture started by Neal Durando who has experience in the old world of Big Six Five Four “Lumber Mill” publishing. He clearly wanted to bring back Adventure to the world of books. His observed solution: re-ignite…

The Memory Of Justice
by Michael Kingswood The world was a blur of shadows and splotches of color that swirled around as Jacob turned his head from side to side. After a while, its lack of cohesion just added to the ache in his temples, turning a dull throb into stabbing pain that made him grit his teeth to…

It Only Takes One Generation
by Frank Luke You have probably heard the saying that “all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Today, look around and see that evil is marching. Good does seem to be falling back. Why? What has happened to us to allow these things to come in? Why…

The Crepuscular Hour: Hentz Orb Weaver
by Bluestem Crepuscular [ kri-puhs-kyuh-ler ] adjective of, relating to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct. It is one of two times in a day when the night spiders (a.k.a. Hentz Orb-weaver spiders) come out from their shadowy hiding places and build their webs. The crepuscular hour. The sun has disappeared, but the sky glows blue…