by Silent Draco Part I link Part II link Part III Hilda and the old woman sat near the hut door, enjoying the sunlight and more tea. The old woman insisted on serving them both, bringing out her treasured pot of wild honey. “Is right to share with family, grandson and granddaughter,…
Month: September 2023

Life Plus 99 Years – Part II
by Silent Draco Part I link Part II Johannes blinked as they neared her little hut. There was a simple lean-to for a woodshed, but nearby was a small cottage. The babushka chuckled, “well, hut is full with many, and hard to stretch, da? Trade some tea, some coffee, make simples for workers. Small hut…

Divine Healing
by Frank Luke FCF: The Fall affected all of man; therefore, God provides healing for our sicknesses in body and spirit. Sermon Introduction: “In Adam’s Fall, we sinned all,” the children’s rhyme teaches us. The fall of man is something in which all Christians believe. Likewise, we all believe that Jesus died and rose to…

The Light after Darkness
by Frank Luke We have a saying, “it is always darkest before the dawn.” The phrase talks about what CS Lewis and his friend Tolkien referred to as the eucatastophe, the good disaster. They mean the time in the story when everything looks the worst, but it is this sequence of events, this time when…

Life Plus 99 Years – Part I
by Silent Draco A life sentence is complicated by who pronounces it, and with what method … Part I “Husband,” said Hilda patiently, “bitte, why is it that we must return home by train? Could we not have returned by steamer? Business is very good for you. It is early October, beginning to cool and…

Can We See Too Far?
by Den Blonde Ulven July 19, 2023 My father and I performed some optic experiments near Virginia Beach in Norfolk, Virginia. The goal of this event was to check the hypothesis: can objects be seen further than they should be able due to the curvature of the Earth? We were standing on Ocean View Beach…