by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction: This being Palm Sunday, we will be reading about the Triumphal Entry and what happened right after that. The Triumphal Entry kicks off Holy Week, the last days of Jesus’ earthly ministry and ending with His time in the grave on Saturday. We’ve just seen the entry, and next week…
Category: Christianity

The Last Crusade: The Spirit Enables Believers to Fulfill the Mission of the Church
by Frank Luke FCF: Because men are fallen, God must provide a way for believers to share the message of return. Sermon Introduction: This sermon will be topical, exploring several passages that teach on a theme, instead of working through a single passage. Why did God give the world the Church? It marks a distinct…

Last Crusade: What is Truth? This is Truth!
by Frank Luke What is Truth? This is Truth! FCF: Because all people have fallen from our created state, we must rely on revealed truth. Scripture Intro: Turn to John 18:34-40. We are familiar with much of Pilate’s story in the trial of Jesus. According to all the Gospels, Pilate tried to let Jesus go…

Keeping the Faith
by P.F. Caruso But the word of the Lord came to him, “This man shall not be your heir; no one but your very own issue shall be your heir.” He brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them.” Then he said to him,…

Counting the Cost of Redemption
COUNTING THE COST OF REDEMPTION – A Communion Meditation by P.F. Caruso My wife and I like to watch some of the home renovation and restoration shows on HGTV, Magnolia and Discovery+. When we were living in Texas we were living that life, taking on a full house renovation on a limited budget and in what…

For Such a Time as This
by Frank Luke FCF: We must be ready for that special moment God has planned for us. Sermon Introduction When most people hear the title, they think of Esther, but Esther is not the only person placed on earth for a specific time. Another person was the father of John the Baptist. John had to…

Wash Up for Supper
by Frank Luke 1 Corinthians 11:23-34 Wash Up for Supper Intro: Ever since the early Christians met secretly in homes to remember the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the church has been celebrating the Communion Service. Of all the things we do in the church, this one event should hold the most…

What does the Lord Require?
by Frank Luke What are the social responsibilities of the Children of God in bringing the love of God to the poor, the oppressed, and the widows? Without question, the first responsibility of the Christian is to spread the Gospel. But that Gospel—centered on Christ’s life, death, and resurrection—instructs us on social responsibilities as well….

Divine Healing
by Frank Luke FCF: The Fall affected all of man; therefore, God provides healing for our sicknesses in body and spirit. Sermon Introduction: “In Adam’s Fall, we sinned all,” the children’s rhyme teaches us. The fall of man is something in which all Christians believe. Likewise, we all believe that Jesus died and rose to…

The Light after Darkness
by Frank Luke We have a saying, “it is always darkest before the dawn.” The phrase talks about what CS Lewis and his friend Tolkien referred to as the eucatastophe, the good disaster. They mean the time in the story when everything looks the worst, but it is this sequence of events, this time when…