by Frank Luke Human Need Being Addressed [FCF]: Because of their fallen state, people must seek wisdom for a fulfilling life. Big Idea: Wisdom comes from God alone. Proposition: Because wisdom alone can bring fulfillment and wisdom comes from God, we must seek God to be fulfilled. Text: Proverbs 1 Scripture Introduction Turn with me…
Category: Christianity

What We Do Matters
by Frank Luke Theme: Sometimes what we do for the next generation is more important than what we do for ourselves. Sermon Introduction: One of the most dangerous ideas in the word today is nihilism, the belief that nothing matters. It follows naturally from the atheist worldview that runs rampant. If we’re all the product…

The Light after Darkness
by Frank Luke We have a saying, “it is always darkest before the dawn.” The phrase talks about what CS Lewis and his friend Tolkein referred to as the eucatastophe, the good disaster. They mean the time in the story when everything looks the worst, but it is this sequence of events, this time when…

The Passion of the Triumphal Entry
by Frank Luke Theme: Jesus came to Jerusalem looking for repentance. Will He find it in you? Sermon Introduction: I have heard it said on more than one occasion that you always find what you are looking for. This may work as a general rule, but it certainly wasn’t always true in the life of…

Called Where You Are – A St. Patrick’s Day Sermon
by Frank Luke FCF: The fallen world needs to be reached with the Gospel in ways they will respond to. This is St. Patrick’s Day and thus an excellent day to talk about the missionary we celebrate. He has had more enduring success than almost any other missionary in Christian history. St. Patrick was born…

Proverbs 3 – Wisdom Described
by Frank Luke Proverbs 3:13-18 Wisdom Described Human Need Being Addressed [FCF]: Fallen people need wisdom to do well in this world and the next. Big Idea: Those who find wisdom are blessed beyond all measurable means. Proposition: Text: Proverbs 3:13-20 Scripture Introduction Turn with me to Proverbs 3. This is just past Psalms, so…

Exposed By the Cross
by KPP Let’s begin by taking a look at Paul’s words in Romans 7. By way of background, Paul has just spent the last several chapters outlining gospel truths, and then he begins to outline the battle between his flesh and his desire to live righteously in Jesus. Is that like you? Do you sometimes…

by Liberta1787 Gandalf warned King Theoden, “To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face.” We have had crooked eyes most of our lives, having been carefully trained to see what is in front of us in the physical world, rather than seeing what is behind it, leaking through, from the spiritual world. What –…

The Female Equivalent of Pornography Addiction
by ArtGainz Hello! This is ArtGainz. The other day an advertisement appeared at the top of my YouTube feed that looked like this: “When girls get an education, they are more likely to have financial independence.” My reaction to this advertisement, or at least the title (I did not actually click on it), was probably…

God’s Dependable Word
by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction: When we read the Bible, we must do so with eyes of faith. What God considers to be important often differs from what we consider to be most important. For example, in the eyes of politicians and historians, King Omri of the northern kingdom deserves more than the eight verses…