by Silent Draco II Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas F. McIntyre, USMC (ret, await. recall) took one step back from the thing it mashed into the mudhole. Espying the ranks of guards, he called in his parade-ground voice, “You! Where is your CO!” The demons looked in confusion. No one challenged them, not here! They…
Category: Faith

What does the Lord Require?
by Frank Luke What are the social responsibilities of the Children of God in bringing the love of God to the poor, the oppressed, and the widows? Without question, the first responsibility of the Christian is to spread the Gospel. But that Gospel—centered on Christ’s life, death, and resurrection—instructs us on social responsibilities as well….

Divine Healing
by Frank Luke FCF: The Fall affected all of man; therefore, God provides healing for our sicknesses in body and spirit. Sermon Introduction: “In Adam’s Fall, we sinned all,” the children’s rhyme teaches us. The fall of man is something in which all Christians believe. Likewise, we all believe that Jesus died and rose to…

The Light after Darkness
by Frank Luke We have a saying, “it is always darkest before the dawn.” The phrase talks about what CS Lewis and his friend Tolkien referred to as the eucatastophe, the good disaster. They mean the time in the story when everything looks the worst, but it is this sequence of events, this time when…

The Fall of Man
by Frank Luke FCF – Though we were created morally perfect, we have chosen to sin and have fallen. Sermon Introduction: How the mighty have fallen. CS Lewis said that each and every one of us should remember we are children of Lord Adam and Lady Eve. That heritage, he said, is grand enough to…

That you may believe in His name
by Frank Luke Text: John 20:19-31 Fallen Condition Focus: In our flesh, we sometimes need proof for what our heart knows to be true. Textual Introduction: Please turn with me to John 20:19-31. As you turn, remember that John was the last Gospel to be written. Tradition holds that John wrote it from Patmos when…

Until the Master Returns
by Frank Luke FCF: The Master has given us great talents to use for His kingdom. We must use them as He sees fit. Big Idea: Until the Master returns, we must live righteously and use the talents He has given us. Audience: Corydon A/G Text: Matthew 25:14-30 Scripture Introduction The message comes from the…

by Frank Luke FCF: Because all people have fallen from our created state, only God can make a way of salvation. Scripture Intro: The fifth fundamental truth concerns the Salvation of Man. It states that man’s only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God. Conditions to salvation—Salvation…

Render Unto God
by Frank Luke FCF: Because God has placed His image on us, we owe Him everything. Sermon Introduction: I’m sure we’ve all found ourselves in tense situations where we are caught between a rock and a hard place as the saying goes. You may also have heard it as “darned if do; danged if I…

God uses who we are (Acts 16:6-15)
by Frank Luke FCF: God uses each of us as we are made and raised. Intro to Sermon: God makes us as we are and saves us as we are. He uses our training and preferences in His work. We can see this in Scripture as God uses the personalities of the prophets and apostles…