by Roguedash1 Preface: I had written this for my now defunct blog many, many years ago and thought it worth recovering from the Internet dustbin. I’m pretty sure it’s from the 2007 or 2008 timeframe. It’s provided unedited (except for a couple of typos). The pictures are new, though. * * * …
Category: Faith

Wisdom From James
by Frank Luke Scripture Introduction: The Letter of James was one of the first books written for the New Testament. James writes not to criticize his readers but to bring them to repentance. Unlike Paul, James writes not to an individual church but to all churches. A call to unity in the church. Stand together…

Confronting Evil
by Ruler of the Doughnuts It’s easy to label evil. In our community we do it all the time for a variety of circumstances. However, it’s usually something far away. Something like ‘those evil elites preying on kids’ or ‘they knew the experimental injection was going to kill many people’. An impersonal force that is…

Hermeneutical Horror!
by Black Robed Cleric I recently listened to a Beth Moore teaching from her Entrusted series. Don’t ask why, just take the warnings I am giving you and be glad you are not. Most of my critique below comes from a single session of the series. The Need for Sound Doctrine The first point deals…

Helen and the Five and Dime
by Liberta1784 Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away…. Or not really; it just seems like that. I know that oh-so-grownup girl-child that I was better than she knew herself, and her memories are mine, and immediate, and somehow ever so distant. But this only obliquely involves her; this story is about Helen. Let…

God Signs His Name
by Cactus Eater Bear “It’s too high! I’m going to fall through!!” “You won’t fall through. It’s perfectly safe.” “It’s too high!! I don’t want to try it. Are you sure I won’t fall through?” “I really want you to try it, okay? Just go slowly and I promise you’ll be safe.” In her defense…

Slaughtering a Sacred Cow
by Ruler of the Doughnuts We all have our sacred cows. There are things in life that we think are so foundationally important that we can’t imagine a world without them. Sometimes these things are just cows, sometimes they are sacred, but we can make either cows or sacred things…