by Bluestem Depending on the source, studies of such things estimate that one is between 3 centimeters and ten feet away from a spider at any given time. Location matters. The odds of brushing up against an eight-legged creature are low if you are hanging out in a parking lot. But if you are standing…
Category: Flora and Fauna

Noticing (Misty Mornings)
by Bluestem Walk through the pastures on misty fall mornings and distant shapes that the logical mind knows to be simply tufts of tall grass take on ghostly forms that spoof the shapes of man or beast. One chilly morning as I walked with Ike across the field, I saw in the distance a man…

The Crepuscular Hour: Hentz Orb Weaver
by Bluestem Crepuscular [ kri-puhs-kyuh-ler ] adjective of, relating to, or resembling twilight; dim; indistinct. It is one of two times in a day when the night spiders (a.k.a. Hentz Orb-weaver spiders) come out from their shadowy hiding places and build their webs. The crepuscular hour. The sun has disappeared, but the sky glows blue…