by Silent Draco I felt for my cell phone and dialed 911 by touch. “Three-six-nine, Corporal Jill Jones, intruder down, one being covered. Ambulance and coroner needed. Roll a unit to …” gave her address, “… front door is kicked open. Contact Lieutenant Jackson by land-line, no radio, and have him respond also.” Then hearing a…
Category: Mystery

Little Red Wrapper – Part 1
by Silent Draco The Narcotics lieutenant, looked down at the patrolman’s grisly “find.” “That’s ten this week, so far. Jonesy, got anything besides pics? Track marks, needles, anything?” “Nothing, sir, like the others … hey, wait, take a closer look at the nose.” Shining my pocket blaster on the deceased’s face, the lieutenant crouched down…

Drops In The Storm
by Michael Kingswood The lighting in the overhead seemed to swirl, making little multicolored kaleidoscope patterns in the air over Grant’s head. Twist and swirl, swirl and twist. He felt like his entire body was swirling along with the lights, like he was moving in time with them, and more. Like he was about to…

Give A Dog A Bone – A Doggy Mystery
by Michael Kingswood Harry loped along beside his best buddy John, the grass of the park where John liked to go running soft beneath Harry’s feet and the air rife with scents: clipped grass, John’s sweat, pollen, and despite the bright sun overhead, humidity like just before a good rain. Breathing easily through his mouth…

Adoption Diary – Chapter One
by Anonymous Child Chapter One is first in a series as the real-life story unfolds. The identity of the author is pretty easy to identify if you are a regular on Social Galactic. She just doesn’t want her name on this blog post which is open to the whole internet. A year ago I looked…

Case of the Missing Rocker
by Michael Kingswood “What’s with the hat?” Dominic was looking at a holopic that was hanging on one of the beige-painted walls of the waiting room he and his partner, Alex, had been pacing around in for the last fifteen minutes. The 3D image showed a slender yet muscular man, stripped to the waist and…

by Michael Kingswood It was nearing the end of David’s shift at Popper’s Books And Things. Even for a Tuesday, it had been a slow day. Maybe half a dozen people had actually bought something all day; not for the first time, he pondered whether working the counter at a small bookstore was the best…