by Michael Kingswood The sun was still shining when Brom emerged from his lair, wherever that was. The brightness of it flared across his vision, whiting the world out and rendering him able to perceive only the faintest of shadows as he took halting steps forward. Vague shapes—the trunks of trees, he thought—loomed all around,…

Terra Infirma
by Michael Kingswood It was Sunday afternoon, and I was sitting under a peach tree atop a hill overlooking the bay. The sun bathed the land in a warm radiance, unblocked by all but a few tiny puffs of clouds that hung in the sky, moving lazily if at all. A gentle breeze carried in…

Called Where You Are – A St. Patrick’s Day Sermon
by Frank Luke FCF: The fallen world needs to be reached with the Gospel in ways they will respond to. This is St. Patrick’s Day and thus an excellent day to talk about the missionary we celebrate. He has had more enduring success than almost any other missionary in Christian history. St. Patrick was born…

Wolves On Cornell Street
by Michael Kingswood The wolves were howling on Cornell Street, again. But this time it wasn’t a false alarm. That fact was not immediately apparent to Humbert, though. When the ululating howl that started with a single voice but quickly got picked up by, apparently, an entire pack roused him from sleep, his first thought…

Proverbs 3 – Wisdom Described
by Frank Luke Proverbs 3:13-18 Wisdom Described Human Need Being Addressed [FCF]: Fallen people need wisdom to do well in this world and the next. Big Idea: Those who find wisdom are blessed beyond all measurable means. Proposition: Text: Proverbs 3:13-20 Scripture Introduction Turn with me to Proverbs 3. This is just past Psalms, so…

On The Road To Hopefell
by Michael Kingswood The sun rose slowly, gradually sending the night’s shadows scampering away like hoodlums fleeing the sound of the constable’s approach. As the hours passed, the few lingering shadows shrank, pushed back against the burned-out or simply decayed frames that cast them as though to make way for the the clouds of dust…

Exposed By the Cross
by KPP Let’s begin by taking a look at Paul’s words in Romans 7. By way of background, Paul has just spent the last several chapters outlining gospel truths, and then he begins to outline the battle between his flesh and his desire to live righteously in Jesus. Is that like you? Do you sometimes…

Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits – A Modern Parable, Part II
Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits A Modern Parable by Silent Draco A time to Reap This fellow seemed to be banned, thrown out, or walked away. He was frenetic, composed, had coarse jokes and delicate, beautiful music, and talked freely about being unauthorized. There was some codename network, with people called “bears.” They’d heard the provocative…

Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits – A Modern Parable, Part I
Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits A Modern Parable by Silent Draco A time to Sow Let us begin with the Everymen, the common, run-of-the-mill, kind of not-leftist office workers. Stuck in a small room or cubicle for long days, he grew pale, withdrawn, and enervated from soul-smashing drudgery and menial tasks. In his heart and soul,…

Warden’s Trial
by Michael Kingswood The humid air seemed to drag and flail, resisting being inhaled, as Patros made his way from his little cell in the trainees barracks and across the carefully-trimmed field of grass toward the testing ring. Five years he’d been here, at the martial academy. Five years of running and jumping and study…