by Frank Luke FCF: Because we have a sin nature, only God can make us holy. God commands, “Be Holy for I am Holy” in both the Old (Leviticus 11:44, 45) and New Testaments (1 Peter 1:13-16). He repeats it several times in Leviticus. If God says something once, we know to listen. If he…

by Michael Kingswood Saul looked through the scope on his rifle and grimaced. In the viewfinder, five times normal magnification, he saw a dozen grey-brown scaled and armored bodies, each with eight legs and four manipulator arms below an oval head with external mandibles and at least four visible eyes. They were moving in seemingly…

When Trials Pile On, Keep Trusting God (Psalm 3)
by Frank Luke –first posted February 2019- FCF: Believers can trust God for protection and peace from the attacks of unbelievers. This last week has been a time when God’s people have come under attack repeatedly. I saw a political cartoon this week that had the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah asking God when He…

Hunting For Game
by Michael Kingswood George opened up the trunk of his blue Ford Focus and hefted a brown canvas duffle bag out. He shifted his torso, slinging the duffle over his left shoulder, and grunted softly at the weight of the bag’s contents. He’d thrown that shoulder out once about five years earlier while weight lifting,…

The Twitter Fails
by Douglas Marolla They’re toying with you. Do you see it? The teenagers do. One of the great things about being in the Bad Neighborhood school is we are able to speak freely. I became known as the “Conspiracy Theory Teacher” because I would talk about how I liked conspiracy theories. I never even tried…

Lost Credit – A Glimmer Vale Chronicles Story
by Michael Kingswood Raedrick Baletier looked up from the parchment he was reading as the door to the Constabulary swung open, admitting midday sunlight that brightened the place more than the lamps hanging on either side of the barred wrought iron doorway leading back from the front office to the cell block ever did. His…

Conform Your Mind to the Image of the LORD
by Frank Luke Because we are fallen, we must transform our minds to the way God wants it to be. I heard about an old Assemblies of God pastor who went golfing with an unsaved councilman one day. On the way to the fifth hole, the councilman tripped. When he hit his head, he swore….

Adoption Diary – Chapter Three
by Anonymous Child Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three is third in a series as the real-life story unfolds. Chapter One was published on this blog September 3, 2022, Chapter Two on October 22, 2022. The identity of the author is pretty easy to identify if you are a regular on Social Galactic….

Review: A Burning House by Keith R. A. DeCandido
by Frank Luke Last book I reviewed was Ship of the Line which had a substantial Klingon presence. This review covers A Burning House, and boy, it boasts an even higher Klingon presence. In fact, it’s predominantly Klingon. The characters are from a Klingon cruiser and spend almost all their time in Imperial space. It…

An Old Man at the Station
by Den Blonde Ulven Two days before Christmas, I was in a far flung land headed towards an even further far flung land to join families in celebration. Unfortunately, nothing works anymore and the trains heralding the passengers to our destinations were delayed by many, many hours. During my wait, an old man in a…