by Frank Luke Introduction Last time, I spoke about how Christianity pursues the Good, True, and Beautiful. If asked, most Christians would agree with that. However, a dangerous disconnect exists in our churches today. Many churches and Christians seek only practical applications of Scripture. At the same time, more seminaries are becoming only theoretical. You…
Tag: Bible

Christianity: Pursuing the Good, the True, and the Beautiful
by Frank Luke What does it mean to be a Christian? We don’t smoke or chew or go with girls who do? The short answer is that we have accepted Christ as our savior and seek to live like Him. That sometimes, in certain situations, seems hard to do. On one hand, most decisions are…

God’s Purpose for Our Past
by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction It’s said that all generalizations are bad, but no one wants to live a life of adequacy. We all want to live a life that means something and leave behind a legacy. But we all face the daily grind. How can you do something great when you have to spend…

Remaining Faithful in Times of Trial
by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction The hardest thing about holy living is the temptation to not live holy. Everyone has a weakness. How we stand up under trials tells us how we truly live out our faith. For some, the temptation may be to eat too much chocolate. For others, it may be watching violent…

What Makes Something “Palpably False”? – Part II
by Black Robed Cleric Link for Part I More Palpably False Elements Let’s lay aside the age of the earth and length of creation week as those elements are way beyond the scope of this post no matter what side you’re on. Dr. Craig also calls the talking serpent “palpably false.” Does that mean that…

What Makes Something “Palpably False”? – Part I
by Black Robed Cleric Introduction Full Disclosure: This is a preview of my thoughts and a critical approach to a book I have not read but plan to. These thoughts and questions are based on my readings of interviews with the author, reviews favorable to the book, and proponents of the book as well as…

Hermeneutical Horror!
by Black Robed Cleric I recently listened to a Beth Moore teaching from her Entrusted series. Don’t ask why, just take the warnings I am giving you and be glad you are not. Most of my critique below comes from a single session of the series. The Need for Sound Doctrine The first point deals…