by Michael Kingswood The humid air seemed to drag and flail, resisting being inhaled, as Patros made his way from his little cell in the trainees barracks and across the carefully-trimmed field of grass toward the testing ring. Five years he’d been here, at the martial academy. Five years of running and jumping and study…
Tag: Fantasy

Miss Melody And The Knight Gallant
by Michael Kingswood Henry ran as hard as he could remember ever running. His heart pounded in his ears and his breaths came in gasps as he pushed himself to greater speed, but above even the cacophony of his racing pulse he could still hear the footfalls behind him, the mocking shouts as his pursuers…

by Michael Kingswood The moon was a waxing gibbous, just a few days away from full. It shown down on the field where Susan lay with blue-white brilliance, giving the world a dull, mysterious illumination that hinted at mysteries almost uncovered. Secrets whispered in the shadows. She tucked her hands beneath her head and just…

Miss Melody And The Elf Spa
by Michael Kingswood Steph ran her left hand through her hair, and wished she hadn’t cut it short the previous week. She hadn’t realized how much just running her fingers through it, and then being able to give it a little tug—just a little—was soothing when she was irritated or upset. Now there was barely…

VIP Treatment – A Dustin Cofield Adventure
by Michael Kingswood Most folks have heard the term “Christmas in July.” The suburban town where I’m stationed is run by smart-alecks, though, so Lockwood has “Christmas on the solstice.” Because symmetry of timing and rigid thinking. What most people don’t know is the concept, whether fun or annoyingly pedantic, derives from a real necessity…

Naughty and Nice – A Dustin Cofield Adventure
by Michael Kingswood Nora didn’t realize it, but this was going to be the best day of her life. I had it all planned out. Pick her up after work, and zip off to the airport for a spontaneous getaway. Paris – the city of lights. Every girl’s favorite destination. It was going to be…

There and Back Awry
by Silent Draco Part 4 of 4 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Bilbo and Ham made their way down the road and around the Water, to many a cheer and farewell from The Green Dragon. The simple tune kept humming in their ears, and soon they began to sing verses,…

There and Back Awry
by Silent Draco Part 3 of 4 Part 1 Part 2 It was no more than a short while and two unexpected slides on loose pebbles, before they arrived at the verdant door of The Green Dragon. Bilbo entered and called a greeting to Old Butterwort, “Good evening, innkeeper! Of your courtesy, may we…

There and Back Awry
by Silent Draco Part 2 of 4 Part 1 A week had passed, and May followed the course of the Water, meandering into June. June began to trickle down stream, and Master Hamfast watched The Road and listened for the gate with increasing concern. It was a Family Gathering, so of course there were games,…

There and Back Awry: A Halfling’s Misadventure in Half-Pints
by Silent Draco (No relation to Smaug the Golden, and we speak aught of that side of the family) Part 1 of 4 Now, 1382 was a fine year for apples in the Shire, and also a good year for beehives and honey-comb. Flowers bubbled up from the ground and exploded like trumpets, and trees…