by Michael Kingswood “What’s with the hat?” Dominic was looking at a holopic that was hanging on one of the beige-painted walls of the waiting room he and his partner, Alex, had been pacing around in for the last fifteen minutes. The 3D image showed a slender yet muscular man, stripped to the waist and…
Tag: Short Story

by Michael Kingswood It was nearing the end of David’s shift at Popper’s Books And Things. Even for a Tuesday, it had been a slow day. Maybe half a dozen people had actually bought something all day; not for the first time, he pondered whether working the counter at a small bookstore was the best…

Naughty and Nice – A Dustin Cofield Adventure
by Michael Kingswood Nora didn’t realize it, but this was going to be the best day of her life. I had it all planned out. Pick her up after work, and zip off to the airport for a spontaneous getaway. Paris – the city of lights. Every girl’s favorite destination. It was going to be…

Red Orchid
by Michael Kingswood George paused inside the doorway to the back patio of Gepetto’s and adjusted his tie. He had selected a light blue one with silver-white polka dots, to offset the charcoal grey of his suit. It was a good look, he knew, and he knew the tie accentuated his eyes nicely. He would…

Debts and Obligations
by Michael Kingswood A twig snapped beneath Ben’s boot and he froze in place, peering about and listening closely for signs that the unwelcome noise had alerted someone to his presence. The pine forest around him had thinned. Where just a few dozen paces back the trees had been dense enough that he could have…

The Memory Of Justice
by Michael Kingswood The world was a blur of shadows and splotches of color that swirled around as Jacob turned his head from side to side. After a while, its lack of cohesion just added to the ache in his temples, turning a dull throb into stabbing pain that made him grit his teeth to…

Utah State Route 159
by Bluestem Standing on the rock-strewn slopes of Wheeler Peak at 11,000 feet, the road we were to take was too small to see, but other roads, threadlike, rolled out into the basin and disappeared. Below were deep green circles that glowed against the native brown, nourished by the sweep of giant sprinklers that turned…

Number 43
by Bluestem Her body lay at the very edge of the shallow ravine that cleaves the western pasture, tail pointing south, head facing north. A strong wind ruffled the thick, soft fur that covered her bony hips. There were deep half circles cut into the ground underneath her hooves, evidence of her struggle to stand….

There and Back Awry
by Silent Draco Part 4 of 4 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Bilbo and Ham made their way down the road and around the Water, to many a cheer and farewell from The Green Dragon. The simple tune kept humming in their ears, and soon they began to sing verses,…

There and Back Awry
by Silent Draco Part 3 of 4 Part 1 Part 2 It was no more than a short while and two unexpected slides on loose pebbles, before they arrived at the verdant door of The Green Dragon. Bilbo entered and called a greeting to Old Butterwort, “Good evening, innkeeper! Of your courtesy, may we…