by Bluestem Her body lay at the very edge of the shallow ravine that cleaves the western pasture, tail pointing south, head facing north. A strong wind ruffled the thick, soft fur that covered her bony hips. There were deep half circles cut into the ground underneath her hooves, evidence of her struggle to stand….
Month: April 2022

Stalin’s War – Book Review
by Den Blonde Ulven Stalin’s War is a book authored by Sean McMeekin. It is a revisionist’s history of World War II which makes a convincing case how many of the motivations and events surrounding the war are completely different than the how the typical Westerner has been educated. It is absolutely necessary reading for those…

Prairie Morn
Prairie Morn by LlamaMama Rectangular Angus Silhouettes stand still On bluff’s brow, black Against frozen horizon’s Sunrise pastels. Twisted trees bow Stiffly, graciously: Aged gentlemen In dusty disguise. Grass gesticulates In perpetual dance; Oil rigs slowly nod Heavy heads, like large, Sagacious mantises. One wee sparrow chirps, Then another Takes up the tune; No dawning…