by Michael Kingswood Harry adjusted his lips around the hard rubber clenched between his teeth and inhaled. Dry air that tasted slightly of plastic entered his lungs with the corresponding click-hiss of his regulator. Deep and slow, controlled breaths. Don’t draw down the tank too soon. The mantra from his SCUBA instructors echoed in his…
Month: October 2022

Adoption Diary – Chapter Two
by Anonymous Child Chapter Two is second in a series as the real-life story unfolds. Chapter One was published on this blog September 3, 2022. The identity of the author is pretty easy to identify if you are a regular on Social Galactic. She just doesn’t want her name on this blog post which is…

Abe’s Liquors
by Michael Kingswood Betty sniffed back tears and wiped the back of her right hand across the bottom of her nose. It had gone runny from crying so hard. She squinted into the early evening darkness, her left hand flexing on the scarred and fading brown leather that wrapped the steering wheel of her Camry,…

Final Words from a Friend
by Frank Luke When a famous or beloved person dies, everyone hangs on their last words. Those words are often the accumulated wisdom of a person, the last lesson they want to pass on. The words may be few or as many as can be relayed. When we hear those final words, we listen and…

A Man of Faith
by Michael Kingswood The shriek that left the girl’s mouth was guttural, profane, and inhuman. A roar from the Pit of Hell itself, something that her vocal cords could never have produced on their own. Joseph knew the sound well; he had been evoking it from demons for years. The girl was fifteen, wearing a…

VIP Treatment – A Dustin Cofield Adventure
by Michael Kingswood Most folks have heard the term “Christmas in July.” The suburban town where I’m stationed is run by smart-alecks, though, so Lockwood has “Christmas on the solstice.” Because symmetry of timing and rigid thinking. What most people don’t know is the concept, whether fun or annoyingly pedantic, derives from a real necessity…

The Two Wasteful Sons
by Frank Luke “What is the Kingdom of Heaven like? To what does the thing compare?” With these words, Jesus would introduce a parable. Parables were common in the first century. The people loved them and couldn’t get enough. Many rabbis used parables to make their point. Parables are stories, usually short, that illustrate the…

Meme Review and Meme Analysis – Part I
by Cactus Eater Bear This week, Vox Day kicked off a successful and enjoyable meme review on Episode 936 of The Darkstream. I get the impression that Vox asked for memes and intended to rate the effectiveness of their rhetoric. People ended up sending a variety of memes, some of which were specific to their…