How to Survive an SJW Internet Attack
by CactusEaterBear
I have survived both a real-life SJW attack as well as an internet attack from a Minor Internet Celebrity (a MIC). The internet attack was mild compared to the real-life SJW attack I experienced at work several years ago. Gut-wrenching, cookie-tossing fear and disbelief consumed me for two weeks until I heard an interview with Vox Day wherein he explained how to survive such an attack. If you haven’t read SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police, buy it. Buy it now before you need it. While you’re at it, buy SJWs Always Double Down.
Deep breath. Calm down. Get ready. The MIC will most certainly double down. If the MIC has fans, expect the swarming and shrieking to continue until they tire out or find someone else to focus on. If you are a MIC yourself and also have fans, God help you. This could go on for months. A man on Social Galactic aptly stated, “I’m sure everyone involved feels offended when they are punched, and feel justified with each punch they return. And both sides have enough fans who will cheer the whole time.”
For me, the SJW and MIC attacks were strikingly similar. If you are being attacked, here’s a motherly virtual hug from me, and a virtual grilled cheese sandwich with soup. I hope you find some help in this blog post.
To summarize the tactics of the attackers, the eight stages of the SJW attack sequence are as follows:
- Locate or Create a Violation of the Narrative.
- Point and Shriek.
- Isolate and Swarm.
- Reject and Transform.
- Press for Surrender.
- Appeal to Amenable Authority.
- Show Trial.
- Victory Parade.
Please read the whole guide in Vox Day’s book for the appropriate way to respond and what to expect during an SJW attack. Some of the stages don’t directly relate to the MIC attack, and some aren’t in the same order. In the case of the MIC attack, the Point-and-Shriek step is to garner attention and support from as many in the community as possible. The community as a whole is the Amenable Authority. You’ll notice this pattern:
-Stated Violation -> Certification of Accuser -> Decertification of Accused -> Wrap-Up Claim-
Like so:
-Wrong-Thinker is evil and I’ll prove it. I’m a minority and have been employed here longer. She is white and hasn’t even been here a year. Therefore, she’s evil and should be fired.-
And like so:
-Wrong-Thinker is a liar and I’ll prove it. I’m very, very smart. She is very, very dumb. Therefore, she is a liar and should be burned alive.-
If you think that right-wing, God-fearing Christians never act like SJWs, try downvoting Kyle Rittenhouse or criticizing some honking truckers. (these topics are stale and I’ll make a point about that later). Be wary of people who regularly certify themselves and decertify others. Even if your infractions are small, they will find these infractions and “expose you for what you are.”
First Things First: Recognize it is happening. Remain calm. This will all blow over. The topics will get stale, and people will forget how abominably they behaved. It’ll be a distant memory by the time the next one rolls around. Realize that no one cares. I’ll say this part again and put it in bold because it was the most important and most helpful part for me way-back-when: Realize that NO ONE cares.
Everyone else has their own battles to fight and their own lives to live. Don’t bog them down with Shelly-said-this or Lakshmi-looked-at-me-like-that. It doesn’t matter. Not only does it not matter, but the ears you are bending may be enemy ears. Even if they are your friends, they do not want to hear all the tiresome details.
Now, since SJWs Always Lie is very easy to find, as are numerous blog posts about it, I’m not going to quote the whole thing. Rather, here are some additional lessons I learned in the SJW attack; lessons that made my life easier later on during the MIC attack.
Tip 1: Admit to yourself you deserved it. Don’t act like a Gamma. Don’t fall for your own victim narrative. Why? Because it will fester in your belly and make you thoroughly unlikeable.
This DOES NOT mean apologize. “Do not apologize” is Step 3 in SJWs Always Lie. If your gut tells you to apologize you really, really need to read the book. The attackers, even if Christian, did not follow the policy for dealing with sin in the Church or other basic grievance policies laid out in the Bible, so set the urge to apologize aside.
Believe me when I tell you that in both attacks, I had it coming. There is no reason to feel sorry for me. Think of Shelley, the target in Scott Adams’ infamous Episode 1640 rant: Shelley made a passive-aggressive comment that Adams took exception to. On the surface, it looked like her comment was perfectly nice. It wasn’t. It was meant to shame him. Unfortunately for him, he took the bait, flipped his lid, and ended up looking foolish. The response was way out of proportion to the comment, but that [clean speech] had it comin’.
Be truthful with yourself about why you were attacked. Maybe you made an off-color comment in front of a purple haired, pink hat wearing SJW… or maybe you were being an annoying know-it-all in the weeks preceding the SJW attack and the joke was all the ammo they needed.
Have you been ankle-biting? Have you been acting passive-aggressively? Are you acting out of jealousy? Have you been clamping down on the bait they throw out there? Have you been pushing boundaries?
If you and the attacker are both MICs, have you been slyly acting discourteously? Have you been garnering support so you can move up a notch in the internet world?
Of course there are perfectly reasonable explanations for the things you’ve done. My explanations were reasonable as well… but those reasonable explanations are not enough to save you from:
.. a dressing-down or a fisking from a zealous MIC who is full of righteous indignation.
.. an aggressive, relentless Bravo who will put your [nose] in the dirt when you’re acting too big for your britches.
.. a maroon-haired SJW who feels threatened/is sick of you and wants to destroy you.
Tip 2: Don’t respond. Don’t respond to the attacker, don’t respond to the fans. Mostly, don’t respond because NO ONE CARES. Every response will be a tedious he-said-she-said that will leave you looking like a whiner. The fans, the swarm, or whatever you call them have already chosen their side. NOTHING you say will change their minds. EVERYTHING you say can, and most definitely will, be held against you.
Even “reasonable,” intelligent men will follow the same logic as an SJW once they have chosen a side. Let me save you some time. This is how it will go:
SJW: Gary is literally Hitler.
You: No, Gary isn’t literally Hitler.
SJW: So you condone what Gary said?
You: No, I said Gary isn’t literally Hitler.
SJW: Gary talks like Hitler! How dare you defend him!
You: Talking like Hitler is not the same as acting like Hitler.
SJW: He intends to act like Hitler, which is just as bad.
You: Oy vey.
SJW#2 peeks around the corner… “Did I overhear you defending what Gary said? You’re literally Hitler!”
Tip 3: Ban, Block, and Banish. It’s obvious that you should bring the ban hammer down on the swarm. This tip is for you to specifically focus on banning the oiliest of the sneaky little buggers. Watch out for the objectively objective observers, the ones who act casually ambivalent, the ones who want to give you an opportunity to tell your side of the story. Ban them immediately. They are liars. They are there to cause you harm.
They are NOT your friends. Even if you’ve been friendly in the past, they ARE NOT your friends. They are vile and smarmy. Please believe me. They have already chosen their side. Talking to them will only injure you further. I know that you want someone on your side. Keep your explanations to yourself. Block them right away. They are the enemy.
Tip 4: Prepare for some confusing behavior and statements from people for weeks to come. These post-attack snipes left me confused and a little sad after the first SJW attack. Since I was ready for them post-internet attack, I was emotionally unaffected. There’s so much that happens “behind the scenes” that you’ll never see. Some of these weirdos have tucked the altercation in their back pockets. They can’t wait for that microphone-drop moment where they can prove that you are exactly what the MIC said you were. Their comments will come out of left field and will have no explanation. Examples:
“I feel sorry for your husband for the way you _______ .”
“Your poor wife, having to deal with __________.”
“Oh, you’re a liar. You said you were taking a break from the internet, yet here you are…”
“Oh, look.. it’s a Protty. (Protestant) A talking monkey.”
“Those aren’t shoes that a chaste woman would wear.”
For these people, see Tip 4. Block them immediately. They know what they did. If it makes you feel better, look at their profile description. You’ll probably find out they were part of the swarm all along.
Finally: Forgive, but don’t forget. Don’t let this rot in your belly. Move on and live a fruitful life. Focus on gratitude instead of failure, and don’t forget the lesson. It is unlikely that any of them will ever apologize for their behavior or ask for forgiveness. After both the SJW and MIC altercations a couple of the swarmers apologized and we “made up.” The apologies were never coupled with behavioral changes. In every case, they ended up backsliding and I banned them again.
Never let an SJW back in your life. A fellow Christian who was part of a swarm? That’s up to you. We may have battles ahead that will require us to fight side-by-side with people who have wronged us and people we have wronged. As for me, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, I’ll apply this old wisdom and keep the peace: Good fences make good neighbors.
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The tips in this article are great. Thank you for writing it.
Great tips. May need to come back to this and I need to read Voxs book.
MICs gonna MIC.
It’s the mindless camp followers who outsource their thinking that are inexplicable to a living human.
They are confounding and annoying. Block on sight.