by Silent Draco II Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas F. McIntyre, USMC (ret, await. recall) took one step back from the thing it mashed into the mudhole. Espying the ranks of guards, he called in his parade-ground voice, “You! Where is your CO!” The demons looked in confusion. No one challenged them, not here! They…
Category: Humor

To Hymn Who Waits – Part 1
by Silent Draco I Something unusual happened at the Gates of Heaven. Peter had been called for a special question, so James the Lesser was minding things for a half-eon. Outside, there appeared a burnt blood-red tumescence in the continuum. A lesser demon emerged, keeping its nether portion firmly toward the Gates. It backed…

Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits – A Modern Parable, Part II
Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits A Modern Parable by Silent Draco A time to Reap This fellow seemed to be banned, thrown out, or walked away. He was frenetic, composed, had coarse jokes and delicate, beautiful music, and talked freely about being unauthorized. There was some codename network, with people called “bears.” They’d heard the provocative…

Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits – A Modern Parable, Part I
Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits A Modern Parable by Silent Draco A time to Sow Let us begin with the Everymen, the common, run-of-the-mill, kind of not-leftist office workers. Stuck in a small room or cubicle for long days, he grew pale, withdrawn, and enervated from soul-smashing drudgery and menial tasks. In his heart and soul,…

Meme Review and Meme Analysis – Part I
by Cactus Eater Bear This week, Vox Day kicked off a successful and enjoyable meme review on Episode 936 of The Darkstream. I get the impression that Vox asked for memes and intended to rate the effectiveness of their rhetoric. People ended up sending a variety of memes, some of which were specific to their…

Kicking The Anthill
by Michael Kingswood Kevlar and ballistic plating doesn’t help worth a damn against magic. Sergeant John Singleton really wished he’d known the suspect was going to turn out to be a wizard. He would have called for Special Magics. Instead, SWAT showed up, and they never had a chance. John’s police cruiser sat cross-ways across…

Three Reviews for One Click!
In which Ruler of the Doughnuts reviews a docu-series and other entertainment. Once again, I’ve stocked up on some media and am here to give you, dear reader, a healthy dose of reviews for your reading pleasure. Once again three reviews; two is too few and I don’t want to leave you unfulfilled. While for…

The Monkey Sycophants: A True Story About Volunteering at the National Zoo
by Bluestem A group of us shuffled along the hall, picked up our t-shirts, then made our way past those still waiting, and returned to the small conference room painted a bright Jolly Rancher Sour Apple candy green. Those who received a permanent volunteer time slot found their shift partners and talked excitedly together while…