Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit. Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account. Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 9 Special Limited Racing Edition High Speed…
Category: Entertainment Reviews

Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 4
Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit. Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account. Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 4 Chainsaw Man (#Anime Review): Denji assimilates his…

Final Fantasy 1 Pixel Remaster Review
by DJ Random Bear Holding a cup of java, I think back on the past and the games I played. I’ve been sick, really sick and everytime I come down with something that keeps me more or less bed ridden, I get a particular urge. I’m not sure why this happens, but this seems to…

Ship of the Line – Book Review
by Frank Luke RE:Read Ship of the Line Most of the books I’ve sold or given away over the years I have not missed. They were good for a read or two but no more. Diane Carey’s Ship of the Line differed. Since I sold most of my Star Trek books to a used book…

Three Reviews for One Click!
In which Ruler of the Doughnuts reviews a docu-series and other entertainment. Once again, I’ve stocked up on some media and am here to give you, dear reader, a healthy dose of reviews for your reading pleasure. Once again three reviews; two is too few and I don’t want to leave you unfulfilled. While for…

Peacemaker (tv series) – Review
by Jordan Scire Look, it’s low brow and about a bunch of idiots, but it’s good. The obligatory shoehorned “THE MESSAGE” exists, but the main character makes an honest choice at the end. There are cool moments, there is a decent team dynamic, and (most of) the main characters are not woke. And while…

Review Bonanza!!
In which Ruler of the Doughnuts reviews books and entertainment. Here at PFAR I like to think we all strive to go the extra mile. Trying to give our dear readers as much as we can give. So, when asked to give a review of the Castalia Junior Classics I decided to just go for…