Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit.
Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account.
Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 3
Kaina of the Great Snow Sea (#Anime Review):
Snow Princess meets Snowbilly.
Ambitious and epic, and no way that 11 episodes will be enough.
57 snow fly eggs out of 80.
Buddy Daddies (#Anime Review):
Assassins become the unwitting foster parents to a 4 year old girl.
Lots of blood and death for basically a sweet show.
6.5 cake-ys of death / 10
Winter #Anime Premiere: Spy Classroom
Same sort of thing as Assassination Classroom,
with better animation and character designs.
? Recommended.
Winter #Anime Premiere: Revenger
Bite a ryo with the last of your dying strength and the Revengers will avenge your death.
It’s the Samurai A-Team!
? Recommended.
Winter #Anime Premiere: Girls und Panzer das Finale 03
Amusing 48 min tank battles released at the rate of 1 ep every 2 years. It’s like an anime time capsule.
? Recommended.
Winter #Anime Premiere: Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don’t Believe in Humanity Will Save the World
Typical Japanese on-the-nose naming sense. Quality animation.
? Recommended.
Winter #Anime Premiere: The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague
Decendent of a Yuki-onna (Snow Woman) enters the work force. 12 episodes of ice-related jokes ensue.
Better than I thought.
Winter #Anime Premiere: Tenten Kakumei
Typical non-magical girl wolf butcher princess isekai school abduction buddy anime.
Falls apart midway through.
Winter #Anime Premiere: Technoroid Overmind
I should read the descriptions before I watch these. Standard boy band drivel, then some guy is dropped into molten lead.
Hilariously bad. Watch the first episode and that’s it.
Summertime Render (#Anime Review):
Shinpei returns home for his step-sister’s funeral but soon learns the terror of bad pacing and boring characters.
Ugh Not the Time Warp Again