by Michael Kingswood The sun rose slowly, gradually sending the night’s shadows scampering away like hoodlums fleeing the sound of the constable’s approach. As the hours passed, the few lingering shadows shrank, pushed back against the burned-out or simply decayed frames that cast them as though to make way for the the clouds of dust…
Author: SG-Blog-User

Exposed By the Cross
by KPP Let’s begin by taking a look at Paul’s words in Romans 7. By way of background, Paul has just spent the last several chapters outlining gospel truths, and then he begins to outline the battle between his flesh and his desire to live righteously in Jesus. Is that like you? Do you sometimes…

Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits – A Modern Parable, Part II
Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits A Modern Parable by Silent Draco A time to Reap This fellow seemed to be banned, thrown out, or walked away. He was frenetic, composed, had coarse jokes and delicate, beautiful music, and talked freely about being unauthorized. There was some codename network, with people called “bears.” They’d heard the provocative…

Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits – A Modern Parable, Part I
Sowing Seed, Bearing Fruits A Modern Parable by Silent Draco A time to Sow Let us begin with the Everymen, the common, run-of-the-mill, kind of not-leftist office workers. Stuck in a small room or cubicle for long days, he grew pale, withdrawn, and enervated from soul-smashing drudgery and menial tasks. In his heart and soul,…

Warden’s Trial
by Michael Kingswood The humid air seemed to drag and flail, resisting being inhaled, as Patros made his way from his little cell in the trainees barracks and across the carefully-trimmed field of grass toward the testing ring. Five years he’d been here, at the martial academy. Five years of running and jumping and study…

by Liberta1787 Gandalf warned King Theoden, “To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face.” We have had crooked eyes most of our lives, having been carefully trained to see what is in front of us in the physical world, rather than seeing what is behind it, leaking through, from the spiritual world. What –…

How to Survive an Internet Attack
How to Survive an SJW Internet Attack by CactusEaterBear I have survived both a real-life SJW attack as well as an internet attack from a Minor Internet Celebrity (a MIC). The internet attack was mild compared to the real-life SJW attack I experienced at work several years ago. Gut-wrenching, cookie-tossing fear and disbelief consumed me…

Finding Bobby Jenkins
by Michael Kingswood Pan blew away steam that was rising from his coffee mug, then lowered his nose over it to catch the fragrance without getting his nostrils scalded. Deep, dark, and thick said his scent neurons to the rest of him, and he smiled slightly in approval. What was it his first captain said? …

Santa Fe Station
by Michael Kingswood Though she’d been living in San Diego for ten years and had lived less than two miles away from it for most of that time, Kim hardly ever came out to Balboa Park. But every time she did, she left asking herself why she didn’t come more often. The entire city was…

The Female Equivalent of Pornography Addiction
by ArtGainz Hello! This is ArtGainz. The other day an advertisement appeared at the top of my YouTube feed that looked like this: “When girls get an education, they are more likely to have financial independence.” My reaction to this advertisement, or at least the title (I did not actually click on it), was probably…