Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit. Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account. Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 4 Chainsaw Man (#Anime Review): Denji assimilates his…
Author: SG-Blog-User

Jesus, Our Good Shepherd
by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction Years ago, I used to raise sheep for my FFA project. Before I started that, I knew they were white, wool producers. It didn’t take me long to figure out they were also incredibly dumb. Some of them had walking around sense and that was where it stopped. These things…

Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 3
Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit. Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account. Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 3 Kaina of the Great…

Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 2
Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit. Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account. Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 2 Undead Murder Farce (#Anime Review):…

Let This Attitude Be in You—Don’t Play Favorites
by Frank Luke FCF: Even the converted sometimes show partiality. This has no place in the life of a Christian. Big Idea: When we play favorites, we are showing ourselves to be conformed to the world instead of transformed by Christ. Audience: Harvey Assembly of God Text: James 2:1-13 Scripture Introduction Today’s message comes from…

Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Pilot
Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit. Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account. Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Pilot The Unwanted Undead Adventurer (#Anime Review): After…

The Glory in the Garden
by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction: This being Palm Sunday, we will be reading about the Triumphal Entry and what happened right after that. The Triumphal Entry kicks off Holy Week, the last days of Jesus’ earthly ministry and ending with His time in the grave on Saturday. We’ve just seen the entry, and next week…

The Last Crusade: The Spirit Enables Believers to Fulfill the Mission of the Church
by Frank Luke FCF: Because men are fallen, God must provide a way for believers to share the message of return. Sermon Introduction: This sermon will be topical, exploring several passages that teach on a theme, instead of working through a single passage. Why did God give the world the Church? It marks a distinct…

Last Crusade: What is Truth? This is Truth!
by Frank Luke What is Truth? This is Truth! FCF: Because all people have fallen from our created state, we must rely on revealed truth. Scripture Intro: Turn to John 18:34-40. We are familiar with much of Pilate’s story in the trial of Jesus. According to all the Gospels, Pilate tried to let Jesus go…

Final Fantasy 1 Pixel Remaster Review
by DJ Random Bear Holding a cup of java, I think back on the past and the games I played. I’ve been sick, really sick and everytime I come down with something that keeps me more or less bed ridden, I get a particular urge. I’m not sure why this happens, but this seems to…