by Frank Luke Last week, we explored the magi who visited Jesus as a child in Bethlehem and what tradition teaches about them. Each traveled thousands of miles to see Jesus. They arrived when Jesus was a little less than two years old, as that is how old the innocents were who were slain by…
Category: Christianity

The Gifts of the Magi
by Frank Luke In high school, I read a story by O. Henry that I enjoyed, “The Gift of the Magi.” In the story, a husband and wife sacrifice to buy one another the perfect Christmas gift. Della has only a $1.63 to buy a gift for Jim. Likewise, Jim doesn’t have any money to…

We Three Kings – Communion Devotion
by Frank Luke Working with our Christmas Carol Concert, today’s communion reading is from Matthew 2, and working from my favorite Christmas carol—We Three Kings. Matthew 2:9-11 9 After hearing the king, they went their way; and the star, which they had seen in the east, went on before them until it came and stood…

Writing With The Holy Spirit
There are two types of writers. Which one are you? by E.A. Bear (Dan) INTRODUCTION This article is the first in a series about writing with the Holy Spirit. Today, we will explore faith and scripture, what it means, and how to do it, before closing out with a prayer. The Holy Spirit is not…

Like a Little Child
by Frank Luke 2 Kings 5:1-14 Sermon Introduction Last time, we spoke about how one man was being prepped as Elisha’s successor but failed when Naaman came to visit. Today, we will talk about why Naaman came to visit Elisha. How did this great general of the Arameans come to the prophet Elisha for healing?…

Passing on the Torch
by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction At National Rendezvous, the theme was passing on the torch. More than half the attendees were 25 or younger. That shows a great future for the ministry. A clan, tribe, or ministry who does not prepare the next generation will die out. The Bible has many examples of those who…

Where Is the Answer?
by Frank Luke Human Need Being Addressed [FCF]: Because of their fallen state, people have lost the true meaning of life. Big Idea: The True Meaning of Life is Found in God Alone. Proposition: Because satisfaction is not found where people normally seek it, we must turn to God for true happiness. Audience: University Worship…

The LORD, My Shepherd
by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction Last week, we spoke on Jesus as the Good Shepherd and how He illustrated that in the Gospel of John. This is what it means to be a Good Shepherd. In Jesus’ time, the Judeans and Galileans were steeped in Old Testament imagery. Everything related back to Scripture for them….

Jesus, Our Good Shepherd
by Frank Luke Sermon Introduction Years ago, I used to raise sheep for my FFA project. Before I started that, I knew they were white, wool producers. It didn’t take me long to figure out they were also incredibly dumb. Some of them had walking around sense and that was where it stopped. These things…

Let This Attitude Be in You—Don’t Play Favorites
by Frank Luke FCF: Even the converted sometimes show partiality. This has no place in the life of a Christian. Big Idea: When we play favorites, we are showing ourselves to be conformed to the world instead of transformed by Christ. Audience: Harvey Assembly of God Text: James 2:1-13 Scripture Introduction Today’s message comes from…