by Black Robed Cleric Introduction Full Disclosure: This is a preview of my thoughts and a critical approach to a book I have not read but plan to. These thoughts and questions are based on my readings of interviews with the author, reviews favorable to the book, and proponents of the book as well as…

Cognitive Warfare – the ongoing battle for who you are.
by 303Bookworm “If traditional war centered on an enemy’s physical strength, and 4GW on his moral strength, the 5th Generation of War would focus on his intellectual strength.” Dan – tdaxp. Dreaming 5th Generation War In the mid-2000s, back when Fourth Generational Warfare (4GW) was the new hotness, speculation about 5GW kept think-tank types awake…

Interview with Mary MacArthur – Creator of Paper Doll Veronika
by Cactus Eater Bear Cactus: Paper Doll Veronika on Arktoons has such an interesting and intriguing look to it. What medium do you use for it? Is there a name for this style of illustrating? Mary MacArthur: The figures are hinged-limb paper dolls drawn with markers. The backgrounds and clothes are cut paper collage, using…

Attack of the Silents: When Was the “Realism” Poison Injected into DC Comics’ Superheroes?
Post 01 Post 02 Post 03 Post 04 Post 05 Post 06 As discussed in the previous articles in this series, Marvel Comics’ deterioration began in 1968 after its sale to a corporate raider, and was exacerbated by the departure of Stan Lee from editorial and writing duties in 1972. The premier of Star Wars in 1977 and Jim Shooter’s…

Cracked Wheat-Honey Bread
by BlueStem This recipe makes two loaves in the time and effort it takes to make one, so you can store a loaf in the freezer, or give one to someone else. Whenever I make this recipe, I give one to a neighbor who laments, as I do, the sorry state of quality baked goods…

Sitting In
by Silent Draco That old chair didn’t fit the decorating or my shop space any more, and needed to go. It was good but a little worn, so it went out front on a warm day with a small sign: “$20 OBO”. No one gave it a second glance. After noon, an older gentleman hobbled…

An Indoor Garden: Off-grid Hydroponics (Kratky Method) + Microgreens
by Bluestem OFF-GRID HYDROPONICS: The Kratky Method It’s been many years since our two-car garage held any vehicles. After installing sliding glass doors in the openings, the space now serves as sunroom, office, studio, dogs’ quarters, gym, and pantry. And as of early November, it’s also where we grow some of our food. In…

Hermeneutical Horror!
by Black Robed Cleric I recently listened to a Beth Moore teaching from her Entrusted series. Don’t ask why, just take the warnings I am giving you and be glad you are not. Most of my critique below comes from a single session of the series. The Need for Sound Doctrine The first point deals…

Review Bonanza!!
In which Ruler of the Doughnuts reviews books and entertainment. Here at PFAR I like to think we all strive to go the extra mile. Trying to give our dear readers as much as we can give. So, when asked to give a review of the Castalia Junior Classics I decided to just go for…

What’s Gone Missing from US Comic Books and When Did It Go Away
Post 01 Post 02 Post 03 Post 04 Post 05 Post 06 To start this fifth post on comic book history and the search for “Marvel Magic”, we first return to Jim Shooter discussing his duties as Editor-in-Chief at Marvel Comics in 1978: “The comics business went into a steep decline in the ’50s and early ’60s. During that time…