Welcome to a brief set of book reviews covering a relatively new publishing imprint, Pilum Press. Pilum is a venture started by Neal Durando who has experience in the old world of Big Six Five Four “Lumber Mill” publishing. He clearly wanted to bring back Adventure to the world of books. His observed solution: re-ignite…
Tag: Books

Over Sea, Under Stone – Review
by Frank Luke Finding copies of books you loved long ago is like reconnecting with an old friend. Susan Cooper’s DARK IS RISING series is no exception. I read these books many times beginning in junior high. Every entry in the series was enjoyable. They were full of adventure, surprise, and plot twists. All five…

Review Bonanza!!
In which Ruler of the Doughnuts reviews books and entertainment. Here at PFAR I like to think we all strive to go the extra mile. Trying to give our dear readers as much as we can give. So, when asked to give a review of the Castalia Junior Classics I decided to just go for…

“Fireworks” by Jeff Cooper – Book Review
by 303Bookworm Colonel Jeff Cooper was an unusual man. He served as an officer in the United States Marine Corps during WWII. After hostilities with Japan ceased, he signed on with the CIA and took the fight to communism in a variety of small, violent countries. He’s best known for his passionate advocacy for…