by Frank Luke Scripture Introduction All four of the Gospel writers give us a different picture of Jesus. It is the same savior, but each presents him differently. For Matthew, he is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the fulfillment of prophecy. Mark shows him as the suffering servant of Isaiah. John makes sure…
Tag: Sermon

The Best Things In Life
by Frank Luke Human Need Being Addressed [FCF]: The best thing one can attain in this fallen life is godly wisdom. Big Idea: Without God, nothing lasts. Text: Psalm 127 Sermon Introduction: What are the best things in life? Some will say money, gold, or jewels. Others say love is all you need. Success. A…

Bring us Justice, Dear God!
by Frank Luke FCF: The world is so broken that only God can bring true justice. The book of Psalms, beloved by both Christians and Jews, served as the hymnbook for the Jews. Even though the whole book is called “praises,” many psalms are not what we would consider praises. They are thanksgiving, worship, teaching,…

Tears Before God
by Frank Luke FCF: As the world is broken, so must we be broken before Christ. We may pour our emotions out to God. Sermon Introduction: Last time, we looked at Psalm 1 to see how the entire Psalter begins with wisdom. It is wisdom that leads the life. We saw how a wise person…

The Righteous and the Wicked: A Study in Contrasts
by Frank Luke Introduction: I have heard strange arguments from people over the years, such as it is impossible to know a right from a wrong. They argue that for any given action that appears wrong to us, there is—somewhere—a situation where it is the right thing to do. Whatever they’re smoking, it isn’t legal….

Wisdom From James
by Frank Luke Scripture Introduction: The Letter of James was one of the first books written for the New Testament. James writes not to criticize his readers but to bring them to repentance. Unlike Paul, James writes not to an individual church but to all churches. A call to unity in the church. Stand together…

Rebuilding Your Walls
by Frank Luke FCF: Walls are meant to protect us. When the walls are broken down, we must turn to God as we rebuild them. Intro to Sermon: Ever since Pentecost, Satan has been working to destroy the church. He moved the Jewish leadership to stone and arrest Christians. After God worked in Saul’s life,…

It Only Takes One Generation
by Frank Luke You have probably heard the saying that “all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Today, look around and see that evil is marching. Good does seem to be falling back. Why? What has happened to us to allow these things to come in? Why…

The Good Life
by Frank Luke Introduction Last time, I spoke about how Christianity pursues the Good, True, and Beautiful. If asked, most Christians would agree with that. However, a dangerous disconnect exists in our churches today. Many churches and Christians seek only practical applications of Scripture. At the same time, more seminaries are becoming only theoretical. You…

Christianity: Pursuing the Good, the True, and the Beautiful
by Frank Luke What does it mean to be a Christian? We don’t smoke or chew or go with girls who do? The short answer is that we have accepted Christ as our savior and seek to live like Him. That sometimes, in certain situations, seems hard to do. On one hand, most decisions are…