Character limits on Social Galactic be darned! It is our pleasure to feature Wahsatchmo’s succinct reviews, demonstrating that brevity is the soul of wit.
Note that the #Anime links will only work with a Social Galactic account.
Wahsatchmo’s Staggeringly Accurate Anime Reviews in Around 180 Characters – Part 5
Hataraku Maou-sama S2 (#Anime Review):
It’s one thing to have lost the plot; it’s another to lose the plot, the character design, and the jokes entirely.
Two devil horns down.
Isekai Ojisan (#Anime Review):
Ugly uncle leverages his extraordinary experience in a fantasy world to make a mundane life in modern Japan.
Pretty funny.
7 ugly uncles/10
Tensei Kenjya no Isekai Life (#Anime Review):
Another world’s fate lies in the hands of Yuuji Sano and his amazing ability to link tables in Microsoft Access.
5 Wizard Hats/10
Smile of the Arsnotoria S01E01 (#AnimeReview):
20 minutes of After School Magic Tea Time followed by 3 minutes of unrelated slaughter.
Final score: wut/10
Birdie Wing (#Anime Review):
Illegal underground women’s golf. Calling your attacks (shots).
Snake woman. Match play to the death.
And no apologies.
Plus, same outfit:
10 mulligans/10.
Sing a Bit of Harmony (#Anime Movie Review):
Unethical single mother scientist sneaks an experimental robot into an unsuspecting high school class; it goes all von Trapp on them.
Summer Ghost (#Anime Movie Review):
a dying boy, a girl close to suicide, and a boy who is dead inside seek out a ghost to learn what it means to live.
Pretty decent.
Paripi Koumei (#AnimeReview):
Everything that can be said about this anime, is said in the OP:
Ousama Ranking (#Anime Review):
This silly-looking show has some of the deepest characterization and insightful episodes I’ve ever seen.
I’m just not sure who it was made for.
Jormungand (Anime Rewatch):
Realizing globalism is the cause of war, nationless arms dealer plots to stop all air travel and re-establish national borders.