by Ruler of the Doughnuts Its that time of year again. The holiday season is approaching. With this change in season from summer to fall and fall to winter you come face to face with the inevitable. “Is it the changing of the leaves?” No. “Is it the chill in the air?” No. “What about…
Category: Christianity

Isaiah’s Invitation to Salvation
by Frank Luke Sermon Title: Isaiah’s Invitation to Salvation Need Being Addressed: All people need salvation, but only God provides true salvation. Text: Isaiah 55:1-13 Scripture Introduction When you think of Hebrew poets, you often think of King David. Surely, the Sweet Singer of Israel is an amazing poet, but he is far from the…

Final Words from a Friend
by Frank Luke When a famous or beloved person dies, everyone hangs on their last words. Those words are often the accumulated wisdom of a person, the last lesson they want to pass on. The words may be few or as many as can be relayed. When we hear those final words, we listen and…

The Two Wasteful Sons
by Frank Luke “What is the Kingdom of Heaven like? To what does the thing compare?” With these words, Jesus would introduce a parable. Parables were common in the first century. The people loved them and couldn’t get enough. Many rabbis used parables to make their point. Parables are stories, usually short, that illustrate the…

The Godly Response
by Frank Luke FCF: Because we are fallen, we must learn to respond correctly to insults and injury. Sermon Introduction: Revenge. Settling the score. Avenging the family honor. Avenging your besmirched honor. Every one of us struggles with these issues. Where do we draw the line between settling the score and righting the wrong? It’s…

The Messiah Comes for All
by Frank Luke Scripture Introduction All four of the Gospel writers give us a different picture of Jesus. It is the same savior, but each presents him differently. For Matthew, he is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the fulfillment of prophecy. Mark shows him as the suffering servant of Isaiah. John makes sure…

The Best Things In Life
by Frank Luke Human Need Being Addressed [FCF]: The best thing one can attain in this fallen life is godly wisdom. Big Idea: Without God, nothing lasts. Text: Psalm 127 Sermon Introduction: What are the best things in life? Some will say money, gold, or jewels. Others say love is all you need. Success. A…

Science-Magic and Spiritual Inversion
by Liberta1787 Long ago in a culture that seems so far away and yet just behind the corner, there was respect for rational thought. That time, and that culture, is not now. The return of the old gods has brought with them the hallmarks of their inverted worship: orgiastic rituals, child sacrifice, frothing hatred of all…

Bring us Justice, Dear God!
by Frank Luke FCF: The world is so broken that only God can bring true justice. The book of Psalms, beloved by both Christians and Jews, served as the hymnbook for the Jews. Even though the whole book is called “praises,” many psalms are not what we would consider praises. They are thanksgiving, worship, teaching,…

Tears Before God
by Frank Luke FCF: As the world is broken, so must we be broken before Christ. We may pour our emotions out to God. Sermon Introduction: Last time, we looked at Psalm 1 to see how the entire Psalter begins with wisdom. It is wisdom that leads the life. We saw how a wise person…