by Bluestem Standing on the rock-strewn slopes of Wheeler Peak at 11,000 feet, the road we were to take was too small to see, but other roads, threadlike, rolled out into the basin and disappeared. Below were deep green circles that glowed against the native brown, nourished by the sweep of giant sprinklers that turned…
Category: Culture

What Makes Something “Palpably False”? – Part II
by Black Robed Cleric Link for Part I More Palpably False Elements Let’s lay aside the age of the earth and length of creation week as those elements are way beyond the scope of this post no matter what side you’re on. Dr. Craig also calls the talking serpent “palpably false.” Does that mean that…

What Makes Something “Palpably False”? – Part I
by Black Robed Cleric Introduction Full Disclosure: This is a preview of my thoughts and a critical approach to a book I have not read but plan to. These thoughts and questions are based on my readings of interviews with the author, reviews favorable to the book, and proponents of the book as well as…

Cognitive Warfare – the ongoing battle for who you are.
by 303Bookworm “If traditional war centered on an enemy’s physical strength, and 4GW on his moral strength, the 5th Generation of War would focus on his intellectual strength.” Dan – tdaxp. Dreaming 5th Generation War In the mid-2000s, back when Fourth Generational Warfare (4GW) was the new hotness, speculation about 5GW kept think-tank types awake…

Sitting In
by Silent Draco That old chair didn’t fit the decorating or my shop space any more, and needed to go. It was good but a little worn, so it went out front on a warm day with a small sign: “$20 OBO”. No one gave it a second glance. After noon, an older gentleman hobbled…

Helen and the Five and Dime
by Liberta1784 Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away…. Or not really; it just seems like that. I know that oh-so-grownup girl-child that I was better than she knew herself, and her memories are mine, and immediate, and somehow ever so distant. But this only obliquely involves her; this story is about Helen. Let…

God Signs His Name
by Cactus Eater Bear “It’s too high! I’m going to fall through!!” “You won’t fall through. It’s perfectly safe.” “It’s too high!! I don’t want to try it. Are you sure I won’t fall through?” “I really want you to try it, okay? Just go slowly and I promise you’ll be safe.” In her defense…

The Cult of Ugly People
by Ruler of the Doughnuts Why is everyone so ugly? Notice that I said everyone and not everything. It’s an important distinction. There has been a near endless discussion as to why lots of -things- are ugly in this day and age. Whether its architecture, art, or entertainment but one of the things people still…