by Frank Luke FCF: We must be ready for that special moment God has planned for us. Sermon Introduction When most people hear the title, they think of Esther, but Esther is not the only person placed on earth for a specific time. Another person was the father of John the Baptist. John had to…
Category: Topical and Timely

When Sons Become Daughters: The Posterity’s Guardians Get Woke
God, Home, Country — DAR motto Eligibility. Any woman is eligible for membership in the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution who is not less than eighteen years of age, and who is lineally descended from a man or woman who, with unfailing loyalty to the cause of American Independence, served as…

7 Signs of Controlled Opposition
by Rathaus Gambit Controlled Opposition are the guys they send to appeal to your sensibilities on Current Thing. They distract the people that might oppose Current Thing by posing as champions of the dissenting faction. They use their positions to deplete the emotional and physical assets of the people that follow them, when those assets…

An American Fairy Tale
by Rogue Dash J.R.R. Tolkien famously hated Walt Disney’s fairy tales. It wasn’t just that Disney changed the particulars of the tale, or dumbed it down for children. Disney also changed the spirit of those old tales. Disney was telling his fairy tales to Americans, and Americans are a relentlessly optimistic people. Colonists and pioneers,…

by Liberta1787 Gandalf warned King Theoden, “To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face.” We have had crooked eyes most of our lives, having been carefully trained to see what is in front of us in the physical world, rather than seeing what is behind it, leaking through, from the spiritual world. What –…

How to Survive an Internet Attack
How to Survive an SJW Internet Attack by CactusEaterBear I have survived both a real-life SJW attack as well as an internet attack from a Minor Internet Celebrity (a MIC). The internet attack was mild compared to the real-life SJW attack I experienced at work several years ago. Gut-wrenching, cookie-tossing fear and disbelief consumed me…

The Twitter Fails
by Douglas Marolla They’re toying with you. Do you see it? The teenagers do. One of the great things about being in the Bad Neighborhood school is we are able to speak freely. I became known as the “Conspiracy Theory Teacher” because I would talk about how I liked conspiracy theories. I never even tried…

Keeping Christ at the Center of Christmas
by Voracious Reader I love Christmas. It’s always been my favorite holiday. Partly because it’s Christ’s birth (yes, I know it’s not the actual day of His birth but work with me here) and partly because the world just seems a little kinder this time of year. I love the Christmas lights, the carols and…

Boomers and the Beast
by Liberta1787 The Boomer generation is greatly despised for many valid reasons. But they hardly sprang full-grown from the brow of Zeus; generations of preparation were needed to produce this g-g-g-generation of self-congratulatory, blind, narcissistic, super-annuated children. If we do not see what transpired to create the Boomers, we have no chance to restructure…

The Holiday Question
by Ruler of the Doughnuts Its that time of year again. The holiday season is approaching. With this change in season from summer to fall and fall to winter you come face to face with the inevitable. “Is it the changing of the leaves?” No. “Is it the chill in the air?” No. “What about…