by Roguedash1 Preface: I had written this for my now defunct blog many, many years ago and thought it worth recovering from the Internet dustbin. I’m pretty sure it’s from the 2007 or 2008 timeframe. It’s provided unedited (except for a couple of typos). The pictures are new, though. * * * …
Category: Topical and Timely

Collapsing Quality
By RogueDash1 Some three decades ago, I did a service project with the Boy Scouts at Disney’s Give Kids the World, their resort for kids with terminal illnesses whose literal dying wish was to visit Disney World. We were there to help with unskilled maintenance, and I got assigned to trimming the shrubs. The landscaper…

Cognitive Warfare – the ongoing battle for who you are.
by 303Bookworm “If traditional war centered on an enemy’s physical strength, and 4GW on his moral strength, the 5th Generation of War would focus on his intellectual strength.” Dan – tdaxp. Dreaming 5th Generation War In the mid-2000s, back when Fourth Generational Warfare (4GW) was the new hotness, speculation about 5GW kept think-tank types awake…

Slaughtering a Sacred Cow
by Ruler of the Doughnuts We all have our sacred cows. There are things in life that we think are so foundationally important that we can’t imagine a world without them. Sometimes these things are just cows, sometimes they are sacred, but we can make either cows or sacred things…