by Anonymous Child Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three is third in a series as the real-life story unfolds. Chapter One was published on this blog September 3, 2022, Chapter Two on October 22, 2022. The identity of the author is pretty easy to identify if you are a regular on Social Galactic….
Tag: Adoption

Adoption Diary – Chapter Two
by Anonymous Child Chapter Two is second in a series as the real-life story unfolds. Chapter One was published on this blog September 3, 2022. The identity of the author is pretty easy to identify if you are a regular on Social Galactic. She just doesn’t want her name on this blog post which is…

Adoption Diary – Chapter One
by Anonymous Child Chapter One is first in a series as the real-life story unfolds. The identity of the author is pretty easy to identify if you are a regular on Social Galactic. She just doesn’t want her name on this blog post which is open to the whole internet. A year ago I looked…