by Liberta1787 Long ago in a culture that seems so far away and yet just behind the corner, there was respect for rational thought. That time, and that culture, is not now. The return of the old gods has brought with them the hallmarks of their inverted worship: orgiastic rituals, child sacrifice, frothing hatred of all…
Author: SG-Blog-User

Fences and Neighbors
by Michael Kingswood Jerome’s back ached. A constant state of things after years spent hunched over his fields, tending his plantings. But today it was worse. The lingering chill from a winter that refused to leave made his joints stiff, lending an extra bit of oomph to the complaints from his spine. He gritted his…

Bring us Justice, Dear God!
by Frank Luke FCF: The world is so broken that only God can bring true justice. The book of Psalms, beloved by both Christians and Jews, served as the hymnbook for the Jews. Even though the whole book is called “praises,” many psalms are not what we would consider praises. They are thanksgiving, worship, teaching,…

Case of the Missing Rocker
by Michael Kingswood “What’s with the hat?” Dominic was looking at a holopic that was hanging on one of the beige-painted walls of the waiting room he and his partner, Alex, had been pacing around in for the last fifteen minutes. The 3D image showed a slender yet muscular man, stripped to the waist and…

Tears Before God
by Frank Luke FCF: As the world is broken, so must we be broken before Christ. We may pour our emotions out to God. Sermon Introduction: Last time, we looked at Psalm 1 to see how the entire Psalter begins with wisdom. It is wisdom that leads the life. We saw how a wise person…

by Michael Kingswood It was nearing the end of David’s shift at Popper’s Books And Things. Even for a Tuesday, it had been a slow day. Maybe half a dozen people had actually bought something all day; not for the first time, he pondered whether working the counter at a small bookstore was the best…

Grading Ethics on the Curve
by Black Robed Cleric A few years ago, the Sunday school lesson at church made a statement that left me blinking. Covering Joshua 2 (the spies in Jericho), the book said, “Some might question Rahab’s integrity in misleading the king and hiding the spies.” I’m sure they do. It’s the next question that raises my…

Embrace the Power of “We’ll See”
by KPP – Jesus is King Introduction by Cactus Eater Bear: A story can have a happy ending or a sad ending- it all depends on where the story-teller chooses to end the story. An event that feels like a curse today may end up as a blessing tomorrow. Avoid the pointless and frustrating rollercoaster…

The Accidental Moderator
by Slapford J. Weasel So, I’m watching this comedian on YouTube and people are writing lyrics to tunes, as well as set-ups for jokes and punchlines. I have no idea what I am doing, as “Chats” aren’t something, within, I am used to participating. I was just trying to write Funny Stuff. I am just a guy…

Naughty and Nice – A Dustin Cofield Adventure
by Michael Kingswood Nora didn’t realize it, but this was going to be the best day of her life. I had it all planned out. Pick her up after work, and zip off to the airport for a spontaneous getaway. Paris – the city of lights. Every girl’s favorite destination. It was going to be…