by Frank Luke Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-15 FCF: Because of our fallen state, God will replace the current Heavens and Earth wherein righteousness will dwell. Sermon Introduction: There’s a saying in the military that if you aren’t taking flack, you aren’t over the target. Paul took flack and still does today. Peter took flack. Many…
Category: Christianity

Be Holy, for I am Holy
by Frank Luke FCF: Because we have a sin nature, only God can make us holy. God commands, “Be Holy for I am Holy” in both the Old (Leviticus 11:44, 45) and New Testaments (1 Peter 1:13-16). He repeats it several times in Leviticus. If God says something once, we know to listen. If he…

When Trials Pile On, Keep Trusting God (Psalm 3)
by Frank Luke –first posted February 2019- FCF: Believers can trust God for protection and peace from the attacks of unbelievers. This last week has been a time when God’s people have come under attack repeatedly. I saw a political cartoon this week that had the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah asking God when He…

Conform Your Mind to the Image of the LORD
by Frank Luke Because we are fallen, we must transform our minds to the way God wants it to be. I heard about an old Assemblies of God pastor who went golfing with an unsaved councilman one day. On the way to the fifth hole, the councilman tripped. When he hit his head, he swore….

An Old Man at the Station
by Den Blonde Ulven Two days before Christmas, I was in a far flung land headed towards an even further far flung land to join families in celebration. Unfortunately, nothing works anymore and the trains heralding the passengers to our destinations were delayed by many, many hours. During my wait, an old man in a…

Keeping Christ at the Center of Christmas
by Voracious Reader I love Christmas. It’s always been my favorite holiday. Partly because it’s Christ’s birth (yes, I know it’s not the actual day of His birth but work with me here) and partly because the world just seems a little kinder this time of year. I love the Christmas lights, the carols and…

The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ – Part 2
by Frank Luke FCF: Because we are fallen, we need a divine savior Sermon Introduction The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal son of God. The Scriptures declare 1) His virgin birth; 2) His sinless life; 3) His miracles; 4) His substitutionary work on the cross; 5) His bodily resurrection from the dead; and 6)…

The Deity Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Part 1
by Frank Luke FCF: Because we are fallen, we need a divine savior Sermon Introduction The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal son of God. The Scriptures declare 1) His virgin birth; 2) His sinless life; 3) His miracles; 4) His substitutionary work on the cross; 5) His bodily resurrection from the dead; and 6)…

Matthew and the Cost of Discipleship
by Frank Luke FCF: After we give it all to Jesus, He requires us to give our all for Him. Sermon Introduction In Christian history, many believers have given their lives to follow Jesus. The first to be martyred was James in Acts. Shortly after, Stephen was killed for his faith. Persecution has been a…

God’s Warrior Need Not Fear
by Frank Luke God provides shelter and protection for those who fight on His side. Sermon Introduction Most Christians are familiar with Paul’s instructions to put on the whole armor of God. Paul instructs the believer in the pieces of armor that a Roman soldier would wear for battle or regular duty. The Old Testament…