by Bluestem A group of us shuffled along the hall, picked up our t-shirts, then made our way past those still waiting, and returned to the small conference room painted a bright Jolly Rancher Sour Apple candy green. Those who received a permanent volunteer time slot found their shift partners and talked excitedly together while…
Author: SG-Blog-User

A Dip into the Dating Hellscape: Upward
by Modestus Like many single men, there are people in my life who are puzzled and dismayed that I have yet to attract a wife and have many fat, pink, roly-poly babies. One of these people, a good friend, suggested Upward, a putatively Christian dating app. She had also taken and provided a pretty good…

Peacemaker (tv series) – Review
by Jordan Scire Look, it’s low brow and about a bunch of idiots, but it’s good. The obligatory shoehorned “THE MESSAGE” exists, but the main character makes an honest choice at the end. There are cool moments, there is a decent team dynamic, and (most of) the main characters are not woke. And while…

Confronting Evil
by Ruler of the Doughnuts It’s easy to label evil. In our community we do it all the time for a variety of circumstances. However, it’s usually something far away. Something like ‘those evil elites preying on kids’ or ‘they knew the experimental injection was going to kill many people’. An impersonal force that is…

What Makes Something “Palpably False”? – Part II
by Black Robed Cleric Link for Part I More Palpably False Elements Let’s lay aside the age of the earth and length of creation week as those elements are way beyond the scope of this post no matter what side you’re on. Dr. Craig also calls the talking serpent “palpably false.” Does that mean that…

What Makes Something “Palpably False”? – Part I
by Black Robed Cleric Introduction Full Disclosure: This is a preview of my thoughts and a critical approach to a book I have not read but plan to. These thoughts and questions are based on my readings of interviews with the author, reviews favorable to the book, and proponents of the book as well as…

Cognitive Warfare – the ongoing battle for who you are.
by 303Bookworm “If traditional war centered on an enemy’s physical strength, and 4GW on his moral strength, the 5th Generation of War would focus on his intellectual strength.” Dan – tdaxp. Dreaming 5th Generation War In the mid-2000s, back when Fourth Generational Warfare (4GW) was the new hotness, speculation about 5GW kept think-tank types awake…

Interview with Mary MacArthur – Creator of Paper Doll Veronika
by Cactus Eater Bear Cactus: Paper Doll Veronika on Arktoons has such an interesting and intriguing look to it. What medium do you use for it? Is there a name for this style of illustrating? Mary MacArthur: The figures are hinged-limb paper dolls drawn with markers. The backgrounds and clothes are cut paper collage, using…

Cracked Wheat-Honey Bread
by BlueStem This recipe makes two loaves in the time and effort it takes to make one, so you can store a loaf in the freezer, or give one to someone else. Whenever I make this recipe, I give one to a neighbor who laments, as I do, the sorry state of quality baked goods…

Sitting In
by Silent Draco That old chair didn’t fit the decorating or my shop space any more, and needed to go. It was good but a little worn, so it went out front on a warm day with a small sign: “$20 OBO”. No one gave it a second glance. After noon, an older gentleman hobbled…