by Voracious Reader I love Christmas. It’s always been my favorite holiday. Partly because it’s Christ’s birth (yes, I know it’s not the actual day of His birth but work with me here) and partly because the world just seems a little kinder this time of year. I love the Christmas lights, the carols and…

Miss Melody And The Knight Gallant
by Michael Kingswood Henry ran as hard as he could remember ever running. His heart pounded in his ears and his breaths came in gasps as he pushed himself to greater speed, but above even the cacophony of his racing pulse he could still hear the footfalls behind him, the mocking shouts as his pursuers…

Boomers and the Beast
by Liberta1787 The Boomer generation is greatly despised for many valid reasons. But they hardly sprang full-grown from the brow of Zeus; generations of preparation were needed to produce this g-g-g-generation of self-congratulatory, blind, narcissistic, super-annuated children. If we do not see what transpired to create the Boomers, we have no chance to restructure…

Wire Runs
by Michael Kingswood The ship rocked, and Karl felt himself hurled to the side. He clenched his teeth and rolled his shoulders in anticipation of the impact, but still he ended up grunting out a half-shout when he struck the bulkhead across from where he had been working. The unexpected g-force left as quickly as…

The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ – Part 2
by Frank Luke FCF: Because we are fallen, we need a divine savior Sermon Introduction The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal son of God. The Scriptures declare 1) His virgin birth; 2) His sinless life; 3) His miracles; 4) His substitutionary work on the cross; 5) His bodily resurrection from the dead; and 6)…

by Michael Kingswood The moon was a waxing gibbous, just a few days away from full. It shown down on the field where Susan lay with blue-white brilliance, giving the world a dull, mysterious illumination that hinted at mysteries almost uncovered. Secrets whispered in the shadows. She tucked her hands beneath her head and just…

The Deity Of The Lord Jesus Christ, Part 1
by Frank Luke FCF: Because we are fallen, we need a divine savior Sermon Introduction The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal son of God. The Scriptures declare 1) His virgin birth; 2) His sinless life; 3) His miracles; 4) His substitutionary work on the cross; 5) His bodily resurrection from the dead; and 6)…

Ship of the Line – Book Review
by Frank Luke RE:Read Ship of the Line Most of the books I’ve sold or given away over the years I have not missed. They were good for a read or two but no more. Diane Carey’s Ship of the Line differed. Since I sold most of my Star Trek books to a used book…

Joyride to the Moon
by Michael Kingswood Jeremy frowned, and stared daggers at the keypad that had—once again—foiled his attempt to get inside his Dad’s ride. He hadn’t figured it would be this tough. He’d tried his Dad’s birthday. His Mom’s birthday. His sister’s. No dice. He’d tired combinations of all four. Nothing. Their wedding date. Nope. It was…

Matthew and the Cost of Discipleship
by Frank Luke FCF: After we give it all to Jesus, He requires us to give our all for Him. Sermon Introduction In Christian history, many believers have given their lives to follow Jesus. The first to be martyred was James in Acts. Shortly after, Stephen was killed for his faith. Persecution has been a…