Post 01 Post 02 Post 03 Post 04 Post 05 Post 06 To start this fifth post on comic book history and the search for “Marvel Magic”, we first return to Jim Shooter discussing his duties as Editor-in-Chief at Marvel Comics in 1978: “The comics business went into a steep decline in the ’50s and early ’60s. During that time…

Helen and the Five and Dime
by Liberta1784 Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away…. Or not really; it just seems like that. I know that oh-so-grownup girl-child that I was better than she knew herself, and her memories are mine, and immediate, and somehow ever so distant. But this only obliquely involves her; this story is about Helen. Let…

God Signs His Name
by Cactus Eater Bear “It’s too high! I’m going to fall through!!” “You won’t fall through. It’s perfectly safe.” “It’s too high!! I don’t want to try it. Are you sure I won’t fall through?” “I really want you to try it, okay? Just go slowly and I promise you’ll be safe.” In her defense…

The Cult of Ugly People
by Ruler of the Doughnuts Why is everyone so ugly? Notice that I said everyone and not everything. It’s an important distinction. There has been a near endless discussion as to why lots of -things- are ugly in this day and age. Whether its architecture, art, or entertainment but one of the things people still…

Commercial Art, Not Cheating the Reader, and Dissecting the Superhero Trope
Post 01 Post 02 Post 03 Post 04 Post 05 Post 06 In this fourth post, I will tie off the distribution discussion by addressing two points that arose in discussion with commenters on Brian Niemeier’s blog and with some folks on other forums. The first point was an question about the range of impacts of the Thor Power decision….

Comic Book Distribution; Putting a Stop to ‘Characters Writing Themselves’
Post 01 Post 02 Post 03 Post 04 Post 05 Post 06 The Comic Book Distribution Story: Some Highlights and Lowlifes After spending over three days reading, re-reading, and making notes, it has become clear to me that Jim Shooter’s articles on distribution really can’t be effectively summarized. His three-post series is a concise and complete story of his experiences…

What’s in a name?
Working Title: The Pearl of Great Price by Cactus Eater Bear What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. (quote from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, CA. 1600) We left the city to try our hand at self-sufficiency, or at least to have a…

Comic Book Continuity, Timelines, and Verisimilitude
Post 01 Post 02 Post 03 Post 04 Post 05 Post 06 NOTE: While I didn’t mention it at the beginning of my first post, I want to make something clear about my posts on comic books: I do not strive to be either academically rigorous nor authoritative in my analysis. Other authors have spent a great deal of time…

“Fireworks” by Jeff Cooper – Book Review
by 303Bookworm Colonel Jeff Cooper was an unusual man. He served as an officer in the United States Marine Corps during WWII. After hostilities with Japan ceased, he signed on with the CIA and took the fight to communism in a variety of small, violent countries. He’s best known for his passionate advocacy for…

“You added way too much garlic” Roasted Chicken Liver Paté
by Modestus Makes about 400ml aka enough for 2 solid sandwiches or 1 potluck party 3 Bulbs Garlic 2 Medium Shallots 1lb Chicken Livers a fat of choice, for roasting 4tbl unsalted butter, cut into cubes ~1/4c heavy whipping cream 1tsp brandy salt spices Quick Directions: 1. Roast garlic and shallots for about 1 hour…